• April 24, 2024
Music concept image

The changing landscape of the music industry

The music industry is constantly changing. It used to be that major labels dictated what we listened to, but now there are more options for artists and listeners alike.

The internet has made it possible for anyone with a computer and some talent to make their own music and share it with the world without having to go through a label or wait on hold while your demo goes up the chain of command. This has led people who may never have had any other option before to get their work out into the world, which in turn brings us …

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music soundboard

5 ways to improve your music skills

Anyone can improve their music skills with a bit of dedication and practice. If you’re willing to put in the time, here are five ways to make sure that you’re getting the most out of your musical abilities.

1. Listen to music every day

Put simply, the more often you listen to music, the better you’ll be able to play it. This has a double benefit – listening to other musicians will expose you to new styles and techniques that you can employ in your own playing, and just being surrounded by sound every day will help your ear become …

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