• April 19, 2024
Dinosaur Bones Picture

How Long Ago Did Dinosaur Roam The Earth?

Have you been thinking about history recently? Perhaps you are thinking and asking yourself questions as to how long ago did the dinosaurs live. Perhaps you are asking yourself about why they became extinct or just a little bit more about them. The interesting thing about dinosaurs is that although humans have been able to learn a lot about dinosaurs, there is still so much that is unknown. That is why we are here today to talk about many of the things we don’t know yet about dinosaurs. Keep reading to learn more.

Scientists continue to learn more about more as they find different fossils around the world. As science and new technology come into play, we are able to learn a lot more about them that way too. As we continue to find out more and better the technology, hopefully, one day all of our questions will be answered. With that said, that day is not happening today because there are still a lot of unanswered questions.

The first category that humans including scientists are a little unclear about is when the first dinosaur came into play. How did that occur? Which type of dinosaur was it? There are different theories out there. Fossils that have been found over the years to show us about the history of dinosaurs but we are not actually able to see the exact time frame. In fact, we cannot be certain exactly when dinosaurs were on the planet. Yes, do we know during what era and around how long ago they were here, but we can be off by about 1 million years. In the grand scheme of things and how old the earth really is, that is a pretty specific time frame. With that said, a lot can happen in one million years and without knowing this exact time frame, it means we don’t know a lot of other questions too.

There have been tracks that were found in Poland that had a skeleton. Although they were not quite a dinosaur, they were a form of a lizard. This is suggested that it lived 245 million years ago and may have been a Nyasasaurus and around the size of a dog. There is still so much unknown about it.

The next question that we want to go over is if dinosaurs were hot-blooded or cold-blooded. This is actually not known and there have been debates over the years. Some of the mystery lies because of looking at their skeleton. Their bones and their growth seems like it would be hot-blooded however they also have clear signs that they may be cold-blooded too. This is one of the things that humans, as well as scientists, are unsure of. The biggest conclusion that science has made about this topic is that they may have been mesotherms. This means they had a body temperature that easily fluctuated.

The next argument that has been had that has no clear winner is what the largest dinosaur was on the planet. Some of the largest ones are the Futalognkosaurus, Argentinosaurus, Supersaurus, and finally the Diplodocus. One of the reasons it’s so unknown is because there have been small and large-sized dinosaurs in all of the larger species which means it’s hard to tell which one actually was the largest consistently.

Did you know that dinosaurs first come out in the form of an egg? With that said, it is not clear how the mating process of a dinosaur actually occurred. This has stayed in the minds of scientists because it is still such an unknown.

The final unknown when it comes to dinosaurs is how they learn how to fly. Are they taught or do they naturally understand when they hatch out of the egg. We still do not know to this day.

As you can see, there is a lot that scientists have discovered about dinosaurs but there still is a lot to be discovered. When you think about it, no one lived at the same time as dinosaurs that are still alive today, so everything that we have learned about them has been a slow process over time. As technology continues to get better we will continue to learn more and more about dinosaurs which will also help us learn about history.