• April 27, 2024
computer graph planet Earth with white halo

5 Video Games that Should be Made into Movies

Video games and movies have always gone hand in hand. Ever since the early days of arcade games, people have been looking for ways to bring their favorite games to the big screen. While there have been some great successes over the years, there have also been plenty of failures. But that doesn’t mean we should stop trying. In fact, I think it’s time to take another look at some of our favorite video games and see if they could make the jump to the big screen. So today, I want to talk about 5 video games that should be …

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Music concept image

The changing landscape of the music industry

The music industry is constantly changing. It used to be that major labels dictated what we listened to, but now there are more options for artists and listeners alike.

The internet has made it possible for anyone with a computer and some talent to make their own music and share it with the world without having to go through a label or wait on hold while your demo goes up the chain of command. This has led people who may never have had any other option before to get their work out into the world, which in turn brings us …

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Hi-tech business desktop

10 ways to keep your tech gadgets organized

One of the most difficult tasks for any person is to find a way to organize their work and home life.

No matter how old you are, or what your interests may be, it can be hard to keep everything in order. If you’re looking for some help with this task, then here’s a list of ways that people have found helpful in keeping their tech gadgets organized and tidy. There are 10 ways listed below-so take a look and see if there’s anything that might help.

We all know that technology is a big part of our lives. We …

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Using augmented reality to design interior

How augmented reality is changing the way we experience the world

It’s not just a cliché to say that technology is changing the world. The truth is, it does change the way we experience life and interact with others.

A recent article in Time Magazine about augmented reality (AR) tells us how AR is transforming our lives in ways that are both exciting and scary. For example, imagine you’re driving down an unfamiliar street at night when suddenly a ghostly apparition appears next to your car—it’s only after you shake it off that you realize what really happened: someone was projecting the image on the side of your car using AR …

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music soundboard

5 ways to improve your music skills

Anyone can improve their music skills with a bit of dedication and practice. If you’re willing to put in the time, here are five ways to make sure that you’re getting the most out of your musical abilities.

1. Listen to music every day

Put simply, the more often you listen to music, the better you’ll be able to play it. This has a double benefit – listening to other musicians will expose you to new styles and techniques that you can employ in your own playing, and just being surrounded by sound every day will help your ear become …

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Shooting tips for beginners

When it comes to shooting in basketball, it’s not about how hard you can shoot or how fast you can shoot. It’s about the technique and consistency of your shot.

If you have any doubts at all that your form is correct, there are plenty of videos on YouTube that will show you what it should look like.

Here are three points to focus on when practicing form: starting with your feet shoulder-width apart; bending from the waist so that both hands are in front of your face, and releasing the ball by pushing off with one hand as if …

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Close up of a lot of law reports in library

How a bill becomes a law

What is a bill? A bill is a proposed law. It’s like an idea that someone wants to make into a law, and it has to go through many steps before it can become one. The first step in the process of becoming a law is for the person who proposed the idea (called an “author”) to introduce their proposal in writing. This written proposal then goes through several rounds of review by committees within Congress or sometimes outside experts appointed by Congress. After these reviews, amendments might be made, and if there are enough changes, the new version must …

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Dedicated to basketball

5 drills to improve your dribbling skills

Anyone can improve their dribbling skills with a little bit of practice. By following these five drills, you’ll be able to increase your ball control and master your dribbling techniques in no time. So get out there on the court and start practicing.

To start off, you should warm-up. It is always best to stretch out first before doing any strenuous activity, including dribbling drills. Stretches that are especially effective for basketball players include calf raises and toe touches. Start by standing on your left leg with your hands straight out to the side. Then lift your right leg toward …

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Finger touch smartphone screen with privacy protection

How to protect your online privacy

Online privacy is something everyone should be concerned with. But if you’ve ever searched online for privacy-related advice, I’m sure you’ve come across conflicting information.

“Use a VPN!” some people say. “Wear an aluminum foil hat! Never use the internet at all!” others might shout at their computer screens. So how can you find out what actually works? The following article will provide steps on how to protect your online privacy without resorting to wearing aluminum foil hats or living in total seclusion.

Privacy is one of the most important things to protect. It is often overlooked by people who …

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Dinosaur Bones Picture

How Long Ago Did Dinosaur Roam The Earth?

Have you been thinking about history recently? Perhaps you are thinking and asking yourself questions as to how long ago did the dinosaurs live. Perhaps you are asking yourself about why they became extinct or just a little bit more about them. The interesting thing about dinosaurs is that although humans have been able to learn a lot about dinosaurs, there is still so much that is unknown. That is why we are here today to talk about many of the things we don’t know yet about dinosaurs. Keep reading to learn more.

Scientists continue to learn more about

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